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Registering With INPS and "Gestione Separata"

What is INPS?
INPS is the primary social security institution in Italy, which all employees of public/private institutions and the majority of self-employed workers, must be registered and insured. PhD students with scholarship (both italian and foreign) make no exception.
What is the "Gestione Separata"?
"Gestione Separata" is the specific sector with which all PhD students with scholarships must be registered. In this case, the student is responsible for 1/3 of the amount of INPS social security contributions to be paid.
How do I register myself with INPS and the "Gestione Separata"
  • First of all, you need the Italian Tax Identification Number (Codice Fiscale)
  • Go to the local INPS office in Lucca situated in Piazza Martiri delle Libertà, 65 along with your Tax Identification Number and ID card;
  •  Fill out the attached form entitled "Richiesta per assegnazione PIN al cittadino" (PIN request form)
    Please note that if you already have a SPID digital identity, you can log in with your operator's credentials.
Once I received the PIN, how do I proceed?

There are two types of procedure:

  1. ONLINE REGISTRATION: - Go to the INPS website:
    - Go to the online service section
    - Go to the section entitled "Lavoratori parasubordinati iscrizione" and start the procedure, which will also require your Tax Identification Number at following link (or SPID credentials)..
    - Call the toll free number 803.164 to speak to an INPS operator
    - Give the operator your PIN number along with the following information: Employer: IMT Alti Studi Lucca, Piazza San Ponziano 6 - 55100 Lucca | Tax Identification Number and VAT number | Registration with the "Gestione Separata" as: Dottorando di ricerca/Collaboratore cc. Doctoral student/Collaborator | Start date of course: day/month/year