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Anno: 2020
Ciclo : XXXVI
Corso E-mail Supervisore Tesi
Zeng Liu CSSE zeng.liu@imtlucca.it Marco Paggi, José Antonio Reinoso Cuevas Multi-field and multi-scale modeling of fracture for renewable energy applications
Anno: 2019
Ciclo : XXXV
Corso E-mail Supervisore Tesi
Pierfrancesco Dionigi CSSE pierfrancesco.dionigi@imtlucca.it
Francesca Randone CSSE francesca.randone@imtlucca.it Mirco Tribastone, Luca Bortolussi Efficient and accurate analysis of two classes of transparent generative models
Alberto Hidalgo Escudero ENBA alberto.hidalgo@imtlucca.it Massimo Riccaboni, Francisco Javier Velazquez Angona The impact of tourism on urban areas
Giuseppe Francesco Squillace CSSE giuseppe.squillace@imtlucca.it Mirco Tribastone, Max Tschaikowski, Andrea Vandin Dynamical systems reduction through approximate lumping techniques
Rakesh Kumar Tota CSSE totarakesh.kumar@imtlucca.it
Angel de Jesus Valverde Gonzalez CSSE angel.valverde@imtlucca.it Marco Paggi, José Antonio Reinoso Cuevas Phase Field methods for Fracture Mechanics in coupled problems
Luigi Longo ENBA luigi.longo@imtlucca.it Advances in macroeconometrics: (interpretable) machine learning and high-frequency data for forecasting and structural analysis
Mengjia Zhu CSSE mengjia.zhu@imtlucca.it
Alessandro Pigoni CCSN alessandro.pigoni@imtlucca.it Pietro Pietrini Stratification of first episode psychosis based on clinical and neurobiological features: from single-center studies to big data
Chiara Bellucci ENBA chiara.bellucci@imtlucca.it Armando Rungi Essays in International Trade: competition, uncertainty and digitalization in a globalized economy
Veronica Pizziol ENBA veronica.pizziol@imtlucca.it Ennio Bilancini, Chiara Nardi Essays on Public Good Game Experiments.
Sean Anthony Byrne CCSN sean.byrne@imtlucca.it Massimo Riccaboni, Luca Polonio, Enkelejda Kasneci, Diederick Niehorster From Subpixel Accuracy to Scanpaths Analysis: Smart Strategies for Implementing Deep Learning Algorithms in Eye Movement Research and Applications
Anno: 2018
Ciclo : XXXIV
Corso E-mail Supervisore Tesi
Erika Sampaolo CCSN erika.sampaolo@imtlucca.it Luca Cecchetti, Giacomo Handjaras, Giada Lettieri Walking a mile in another’s shoes. The use of naturalistic stimulation to study emotional processing and empathy
Natalie Francis Massong AMCH natalie.massong@imtlucca.it Riccardo Olivito, Emanuele Pellegrini Circumventing Plague: the Spatial Experience of Women and Men during the Outbreak of 1630-31 Bologna
Mariafrancesca Cataldo AMCH m.cataldo@imtlucca.it Lorenzo Casini, Andrea Averardi A Right to Destroy? The Legal Boundaries of Cultural Memory. An Examination of the Role of the International Community in the Protection of National Heritage Sites against Deliberate Destruction.
Ilaria Gianstefani ENBA ilaria.gianstefani@imtlucca.it Roberto Renò, Irene Crimaldi Essays on financial stability: old and new risk sources
Dila Suay CCSN dila.suay@imtlucca.it Davide Bottari Perception, Cognition and Ayahuasca: A Multidimensional Analysis of Alter States of Consciousness
Daniele Masti CSSE daniele.masti@imtlucca.it Alberto Bemporad Machine learning methods for control, identification, and estimation
Marzio Di Vece ENBA marzio.divece@imtlucca.it Diego Garlaschelli, Tiziano Squartini Gravity Models of Networks
Demetrio Grollero CCSN demetrio.grollero@imtlucca.it
Liang Wu CSSE liang.wu@imtlucca.it Alberto Bemporad Coordinate-Descent Augmented Lagrangian Methods for Interpretative and Adaptive Model Predictive Control
Ivan Mercanti CSSE ivan.mercanti@imtlucca.it Rocco De Nicola, Stefano Bistarelli Models and analysis for the Bitcoin ecosystem
Yara Richard El Rassi CCSN yara.elrassi@imtlucca.it Emiliano Ricciardi, Viviana Betti The Representation of Visual Naturalistic Stimuli in Resting State Activity: An Investigation in the Visual and Motor Areas Representations at Rest
Arturo Mariano Iannace AMCH arturo.iannace@imtlucca.it Amos Bertolacci, Ruggero Longo Power, Legitimacy, and their Rituals and Imagery: Early Medieval Southern Italy in a cross-cultural Mediterranean Perspective
Sedric Zucchiatti ENBA sedric.zucchiatti@imtlucca.it Ennio Bilancini, Leonardo Boncinelli Essays on the Evolution of Prosocial Behaviors
Valentina Pieroni ENBA valentina.pieroni@imtlucca.it Nicola Lattanzi, Guido Caldarelli Empirical insights into strategic competition, productivity and resilience of the Italian entrepreneurial system
Margherita Lalli CSSE margherita.lalli@imtlucca.it Diego Garlaschelli Scale-Invariant Random Graphs: a multiscale approach to network modeling
Zainab Ali AlWaisi CSSE zainab.alwaisi@imtlucca.it Rocco De Nicola, Simone Soderi Optimized Monitoring and Detection of Internet of Things resources-constraints Cyber Attacks
Valentina Elce CCSN valentina.elce@imtlucca.it Giulio Bernardi, Giacomo Handjaras The cartography of dreams: application of computational linguistics to the study of sleep conscious experiences
Deison Teixeira Préve CSSE deison.preve@imtlucca.it Marco Paggi Thermoelastic and Fracture Responses of Periodic Materials: Theory and Applications to Laminates and Triply Periodic Minimal Surfaces
Francesca Leonardi AMCH francesca.leonardi@imtlucca.it Paola Dubini, Linda Bertelli, Elena Raviola On dissonance and fascist heritage in Italy. An analysis on the reuse of ex-Case del Fascio in three provinces
Pavan Kumar Asur Vijaya Kumar CSSE pavan.asur@imtlucca.it Marco Paggi Cohesive and Variational Methods for Fracture Mechanics in Statics and Fatigue
Clizia Franceschini AMCH clizia.franceschini@imtlucca.it Lorenzo Casini, Andrea Averardi Religious Cultural Heritage and Political Contestation: the Role of UNESCO The Cases of the Old City of Hebron, the Four Medieval Monuments in Kosovo and Metohija and the Temple of Preah Vihear
Anno: 2017
Ciclo : XXXIII
Corso E-mail Supervisore Tesi
Federico Nutarelli ENBA federico.nutarelli@imtlucca.it Massimo Riccaboni, Giorgio Stefano Gnecco At the intersection between Machine Learning and Econometrics: theory and applications
Francesco Del Prato ENBA francesco.delprato@imtlucca.it Kenan Huremovic, Paolo Zacchia, Mattia Nardotto Essays on the Economics of Labor Markets and Retirement Policies
Marta Lancione CCSN marta.lancione@imtlucca.it Luca Cecchetti, Mauro Costagli Structural and functional neuroimaging using Quantitative Susceptibility Mapping and ultra-high field Magnetic Resonance Imaging
Jacopo Bonari CSSE jacopo.bonari@imtlucca.it Marco Paggi, Alexander Popp Novel Interface Discretisation Methods for Contact Mechanics
Mirko Hu CSSE mirko.hu@imtlucca.it Guido Caldarelli, Tommaso Gili Network analysis of a complex disease: the gut microbiota in the inflammatory bowel disease case
Francesca Simonelli CCSN francesca.simonelli@imtlucca.it Pietro Pietrini The organization of action representation and the interaction between the action and perception systems
Edward John Oakes AMCH edward.oakes@imtlucca.it Lorenzo Casini, Andrea Averardi Legislative and Policy Responses to the Illicit Trafficking of Cultural Property in the European Union. An historical inquiry into the legal means and methods employed by the EU and its northern Member states to protect cultural property from illicit traf
Samuel Asuquo Edet ENBA samuel.edet@imtlucca.it Massimo Riccaboni Essays on Innovation Networks and Global Cities
Emiliano Marchese ENBA emiliano.marchese@imtlucca.it Guido Caldarelli, Tiziano Squartini Optimizing Complex Networks Models
Matteo Bruno CSSE matteo.bruno@imtlucca.it Guido Caldarelli, Fabio Saracco Maximum entropy methods for the statistical analysis of bipartite networks: fast computation and applications
Chiara Ianeselli AMCH chiara.ianeselli@imtlucca.it Maria Luisa Catoni, Paolo Campiglio The Untitled title in the XX Century Art: Revolutionary Aspects and Implications
Surya Soman CSSE surya.soman@imtlucca.it Alberto Bemporad, Mario Zanon Learning-based Stochastic Model Predictive Control for Autonomous Driving
Chiara Battaglini CCSN chiara.battaglini@imtlucca.it Pietro Pietrini, Giovanna Marotta Beyond dichotomy: Exploring the Intersection of Semantic and Sensory Information in Abstract and Concrete Words Formation and Representation. Insights from Superordinate words.
Adrian Ioan Onicaș CCSN adrian.onicas@imtlucca.it Emiliano Ricciardi, Luca Cecchetti, Tommaso Gili Applications of Network Science in Neuroimaging
Dimitrios Exadaktylos ENBA d.exadaktylos@imtlucca.it Massimo Riccaboni, Armando Rungi Essays on Firms’ Competitiveness
Maria Rosaria Marulli CSSE mariarosaria.marulli@imtlucca.it Marco Paggi, José Antonio Reinoso Cuevas New methods to assess the performance of structural joints with microstructures
Nicolina Lidia Bruno CCSN nicolina.bruno@imtlucca.it Pietro Pietrini Exploring the Relationship Between Electroconvulsive Therapy and Reward Processing in Major Depressive Disorder
Cemal Koba CCSN cemal.koba@imtlucca.it Emiliano Ricciardi A multi-site image-based data sharing initiative to assess structural brain changes in large cohorts of early and late blind individuals
Beyza Uzun AMCH beyza.uzun@imtlucca.it Emanuele Pellegrini, Amos Bertolacci Between the Transnational and the Local: Assessing the Changing Profile of the Islamic Art Collections in Museums in Türkiye
Sara Belluccini CSSE sara.belluccini@imtlucca.it Rocco De Nicola, Francesco Tiezzi Exploiting Process Algebras and BPM Techniques for Guaranteeing Success of Distributed Activities
Alessandra Enrica Chiara Federici CCSN alessandra.federici@imtlucca.it Emiliano Ricciardi, Davide Bottari Neural plasticity induced by different degrees of perturbation in auditory and visual sensory systems
Niraj Rathod CSSE niraj.rathod@imtlucca.it Alberto Bemporad, Mario Zanon, Michele Focchi Model Predictive Control for Legged Robots
Sampath Kumar Mulagaleti CSSE s.mulagaleti@imtlucca.it Alberto Bemporad, Mario Zanon Invariant Set-based Methods for the Computation of Input and Disturbance Sets
Tatiana Celadin ENBA tatiana.celadin@imtlucca.it Ennio Bilancini Essays on Cognition and Cooperation
Silvio La Paglia AMCH silvio.lapaglia@imtlucca.it Maria Luisa Catoni Memorabilia Pompeiana (1748-1830). Antiquities from Pompeii in the European collections
Gabriele Valvano CCSN gabriele.valvano@imtlucca.it Emiliano Ricciardi, Sotirios Tsaftaris, Andrea Leo Semi-supervised and Weakly-supervised Learning with Spatio-temporal Priors in Medical Image Segmentation
Elisa Bernard AMCH elisa.bernard@imtlucca.it Maria Luisa Catoni, Emanuele Pellegrini Museums as Living Organisms. A Historical Perspective on Change and Continuity in Museum Institutions
Giulio Garbi CSSE giulio.garbi@imtlucca.it Mirco Tribastone, Emilio Incerto Automatic and Accurate Performance Prediction in Distributed Systems
Zorica Savanović CSSE zorica.savanovic@imtlucca.it Letterio Galletta, Rocco De Nicola Type discipline for message-passing components in distributed systems
Annalisa Napolitano CSSE annalisa.napolitano@imtlucca.it Mirco Tribastone, Emilio Incerto Automated Learning of Quantitative Software Models from System Traces
Francesca Coccolo AMCH francesca.coccolo@imtlucca.it Emanuele Pellegrini The power of victory. Italy, Austria and the struggle for treasures of art and history after the First World War(1918-1923)
Alice Labor AMCH alice.labor@imtlucca.it Andrea Averardi The promotion of contemporary art in Italy. An institutional perspective
Martina Berto CCSN martina.berto@imtlucca.it Davide Bottari Neural signatures of auditory statistics: a window into auditory computations and their interactions with other modalities
Maria Giusti AMCH maria.giusti@imtlucca.it Lorenzo Casini The State as a promoter of cinema in Italy and France
Matteo Serafino ENBA matteo.serafino@imtlucca.it Tommaso Gili, Guido Caldarelli, Giulio Cimini The Complexity of Heterogeneity in Real-World Networks
Anno: 2016
Ciclo : XXXII
Corso E-mail Supervisore Tesi
Anđelko Mihanović AMCH andelko.mihanovic@imtlucca.it Ana Peraica Make Rome Great Again! Presenting the Murder of Julius Caesar in the Time of Facebook
Matteo Caruso EMDS matteo.caruso@imtlucca.it Alessandro Belmonte, Rein Taagepera On Logical Quantitative Methods in Politics
Hakan Tarhan AMCH hakan.tarhan@imtlucca.it Yeşim Tonga Uriarte, Dimitris Plantzos Public Perceptions of ‘the Other’s’ Heritage: Ottoman Heritage in Greece and Byzantine Heritage in Turkey
Falco Joannes Bargagli Stoffi EMDS falco.bargaglistoffi@imtlucca.it Massimo Riccaboni, Kristof De Witte Essays on Applied Machine Learning
Giacomo Handjaras CCSN giacomo.handjaras@imtlucca.it Pietro Pietrini, Emiliano Ricciardi Multivariate analyses of neural patterns in the human brain
Dana Salpina AMCH dana.salpina@imtlucca.it Lorenzo Casini Cultural Dimension of Agricultural Landscape: The Study on Protection, Management, and Governance of the Multifunctional Heritage
Jan Niederreiter EMDS jan.niederreiter@imtlucca.it Massimo Riccaboni Essays on Contest Experiments and Supervised Learning in the Pharmaceutical Industry
Nicola Dardano CSSE nicola.dardano@imtlucca.it Marco Paggi, Paolo Valvo, Stefano Bennati Delamination of thin layers promoted by local buckling
Costanza Tortú EMDS costanza.tortu@imtlucca.it Fabrizia Mealli, Irene Crimaldi, Laura Forastiere Essays on Causal Inference and Complex Networks
Evgenia Bednaya CCSN evgenia.bednaya@imtlucca.it Davide Bottari, Emiliano Ricciardi Neurophysiological assessments of low-level and high-level interdependencies between auditory and visual systems in the human brain
Laura Sophie Imperatori CCSN laura.imperatori@imtlucca.it Emiliano Ricciardi, Giulio Bernardi Investigation of Physiological and Pathological Conditions Using Electroencephalographic Connectivity Metrics
Abhishek Samantray EMDS abhishek.samantray@imtlucca.it Massimo Riccaboni Collective Behaviour in Digital Societies
Paolo Papale CCSN paolo.papale@imtlucca.it Pietro Pietrini Modeling object representations in natural vision
Nicolò Vallarano EMDS nicolo.vallarano@imtlucca.it Guido Caldarelli, Tiziano Squartini The Bitcoin Transaction Networks
Marco Brunetti AMCH marco.brunetti@alumni.imtlucca.it Riccardo Olivito, Marzia Faietti, Eric Moormann A vocabulary of the Antique. An archaeological reconstruction and the reception of the Volta Dorata of the Domus Aurea of Nero
Sara Landi EMDS sara.landi@imtlucca.it Massimo Riccaboni Public Policy in Italy: an empirical analysis on local governments and occupation
Jens Seeber CSSE jens.seeber@imtlucca.it Rocco De Nicola, Filippo Bonchi, Pawel Sobocinski Logical Completeness for String Diagrams
Laura Ferrarotti CSSE laura.ferrarotti@imtlucca.it Alberto Bemporad Learning optimal control policies from data: a partially model-based actor-only approach
Isabel Cristina Pérez Verona CSSE isabel.perez@imtlucca.it Mirco Tribastone Approaches for the exact reduction of large-scale biochemical models
Giada Lettieri CCSN giada.lettieri@imtlucca.it Pietro Pietrini, Luca Cecchetti Brain topography, connectivity dynamics and coding mechanisms underlying the subjective experience of affective states
Ilaria Zampieri CCSN ilaria.zampieri@imtlucca.it Pietro Pietrini The troubled relationship between neuroscience and criminal responsibility: an overview and case study
Duygu Buyukyazici EMDS duygu.buyukyazici@imtlucca.it Francesco Serti Essays in Applied Economics
Francesca Setti CCSN francesca.setti@imtlucca.it Emiliano Ricciardi, Giacomo Handjaras Naturalistic stimulation in sensory-deprived individuals reveals overlapping large-scale brain organization with differential cross-modal mechanisms
Agnese Ghezzi AMCH agnese.ghezzi@imtlucca.it Linda Bertelli, Kelley Wilder The handbook, the field, and the archive: photographic practices and the rise of anthropology in Italy (1861-1911)
Anna Pirri Valentini AMCH anna.pirri@imtlucca.it Lorenzo Casini CONTROLS ON THE EXPORT OF CULTURAL PROPERTY. Historical and contemporary regulatory frameworks in Italy, France and England
Alice Martinelli CCSN alice.martinelli@imtlucca.it Davide Bottari, Emiliano Ricciardi Functional interactions between Auditory and Visual systems in the human brain
Felicia Caponigri AMCH felicia.caponigri@alumni.imtlucca.it Lorenzo Casini Fashion design objects as cultural property in Italy and in the United States
Stella Simic CSSE stella.simic@imtlucca.it Mirco Tribastone, Omar Inverso Bit-precise Verification of Numerical Properties in Fixed-point Programs
Giulia Avvenuti CCSN giulia.avvenuti@imtlucca.it Giulio Bernardi, Pietro Pietrini The local regulation of human sleep: anatomo-functional bases and implications for behavior
Teresa Guillén Hernández CSSE teresa.guillen@alumni.imtlucca.it Marco Paggi, José Antonio Reinoso Cuevas Computational Fracture Mechanics for Reliability of Composites at the Micro and Macro Scales
Pietro Saggese EMDS pietro.saggese@imtlucca.it Angelo Facchini, Nicola Dimitri Arbitrage in the Bitcoin ecosystem: an investigation of the Mt. Gox exchange platform
Anno: 2015
Ciclo : XXXI
Corso E-mail Supervisore Tesi
Carla Ardis AMCH carla.ardis@imtlucca.it Maria Luisa Catoni, Arianna Traviglia, Riccardo Olivito Ancient Roman coarse ware in the Regio X and beyond. An archaeological approach to distribution and trade
Nilay Saraf CSSE nilay.saraf@alumni.imtlucca.it Alberto Bemporad, Daniele Bernardini Bounded-Variable Least-Squares Methods for Linear and Nonlinear Model Predictive Control
Doriana Medic CSSE doriana.medic@imtlucca.it Rocco De Nicola Relative expressiveness of calculi for reversible concurrency
George-Adrian Iordachescu AMCH george.iordachescu@imtlucca.it Linda Bertelli, Bram Büscher Wilderness Production in the Romanian Carpathians: Towards a synthesized critique of neoliberal conservation and its impact on forest livelihoods
Carolina Becatti EMDS carolina.becatti@imtlucca.it Irene Crimaldi, Guido Caldarelli, Fabio Saracco Essays on statistical methods for the analysis of social networks
Stefano Tognazzi CSSE stefano.tognazzi@imtlucca.it Mirco Tribastone, Andrea Vandin, Max Tschaikowski Equivalences in differential and algebraic systems: theoretical and practical aspects
Federica Parisi EMDS federica.parisi@imtlucca.it Guido Caldarelli, Tiziano Squartini Entropy-based methods to tackle missing information in complex networks
Yelena Kovalyova AMCH yelena.kovalyova@imtlucca.it Lorenzo Casini, Andrea Averardi Protection of Cultural Rights of National Minorities: Critical Analysis of the Council of Europe Legal Framework under the Capabilities Approach
Giovanni Bonaccorsi EMDS giovanni.bonaccorsi@imtlucca.it Massimo Riccaboni, Giorgio Fagiolo Three essays on the applications of multiplex networks in economics
Jeroen Allard van Lidth de Jeude EMDS jeroen.vanlidth@imtlucca.it Guido Caldarelli, Tiziano Squartini Analysing Mesoscale Structures in Economic and Financial Networks
Selene Perazzini EMDS selene.perazzini@imtlucca.it Giorgio Stefano Gnecco, Fabio Pammolli, Irene Crimaldi Public-Private Insurance for the Management of Natural Disasters
Helena Kreuter EMDS helena.kreuter@imtlucca.it Massimo Riccaboni, Guglielmo Barone, Dirk Czarnitzki The Politics of Globalization
Rosaria Del Toro CSSE rosaria.deltoro@imtlucca.it Marco Paggi, Andrea Bacigalupo Dynamic homogenization of composite viscoelastic materials
Luca Verginer EMDS luca.verginer@imtlucca.it Massimo Riccaboni, Frank Schweitzer The Mobility of Scientists and Inventors: Patterns and Determinants
Elena Pontelli AMCH elena.pontelli@imtlucca.it Maria Luisa Catoni, Maurizio Harari Landscapes Before the Landscape in Ancient Etruscan Art
Pakhee Kumar AMCH pakhee.kumar@imtlucca.it Emanuele Pellegrini, Raffaele Perego Learning from the Past and Preparing for the Future: Cases and Tools for Cultural Heritage during Disasters
Marta Equi Pierazzini AMCH marta.equipierazzini@imtlucca.it Linda Bertelli, Elena Raviola A Legacy Without a Will. Feminist Organising as a Transformative Practice
Valeria Volpe AMCH valeria.volpe@imtlucca.it Maria Luisa Catoni, Carlo Tosco The Cerbalus project: Landscape Archaeology in the Cervaro river valley
Ginevra Addis AMCH ginevra.addis@imtlucca.it Emanuele Pellegrini, Eva Ehninger The re-identification of pop art: its reception from an Italian perspective
Giacomo Rapisardi CSSE giacomo.rapisardi@imtlucca.it Guido Caldarelli, Giulio Cimini Critical Phenomena in Multilayer Networks
Silvia Massa AMCH silvia.massa@imtlucca.it Emanuele Pellegrini, Laura Aldovini The musealisation of prints and drawings and the birth of Gabinetti disegni e stampe in Italian State museums (1860-1909)
Domagoj Herceg CSSE domagoj.herceg@imtlucca.it Alberto Bemporad, Pantelis Sopasakis Stochastic Model Predictive Control of Nonlinear and Uncertain Systems
Tabea Waizmann CSSE tabea.waizmann@imtlucca.it Mirco Tribastone The Effect of Compression and Expansion on Stochastic Reaction Networks
Anno: 2014
Ciclo : XXX
Corso E-mail Supervisore Tesi
Luca Mantegazza ECON luca.mantegazza@imtlucca.it Alessandro Belmonte Human Capital and Collective Political Events
Mario Valerio Giuffrida IA valerio.giuffrida@imtlucca.it Sotirios Tsaftaris, Emiliano Ricciardi Learning to count leaves of plants
Vincenzo Scoca CS vincenzo.scoca@imtlucca.it Rocco De Nicola, Rafael Brundo Uriarte Improving Service Quality in Cloud Computing: from Definition to Deployment
Ana Lucía Schmidt CN analucia.schmidt@imtlucca.it Walter Quattrociocchi A Quantitative Analysis of News Consumption on Facebook
Anita Mariana Bunea MS anita.bunea@imtlucca.it Massimo Riccaboni, Pietro Angelo Manfredo Frances Manfredi, Pompeo Della Posta Worldwide diffusion of solar photovoltaic panels and the role of state incentive: perspectives based on diffusion models
Dania Marzo AMCH dania.marzo@imtlucca.it Linda Bertelli, Oliver Ibert Events and temporary uses in the historic urban landscape: Lucca Comics & Games between localized interactions and a worlding project ecology.
Daria Gradusova AMCH daria.gradusova@imtlucca.it Emanuele Pellegrini Immersive exhibitions in the beginning of the 21st century: Understanding theory and practice
Paolo Cinat CM paolo.cinat@alumni.imtlucca.it Marco Paggi Surface roughness genomics in contact mechanics A new method enabling roughness design towards surface prototyping
Mika Julian Straka CN mika.straka@imtlucca.it Guido Caldarelli, Fabio Saracco ENTROPY-BASED METHODS FOR THE STATISTICAL VALIDATION OF BIPARTITE NETWORKS
Vitaly Buravlev CS vitaly.buravlev@imtlucca.it Rocco De Nicola, Claudio Antares Mezzina Improving the Efficiency of Tuple Spaces
Manas Dilip Mejari SYS manas.mejari@imtlucca.it Alberto Bemporad, Dario Piga Towards automated data-driven modeling of linear parameter-varying systems
Olena Kulynych MS olena.kulynych@imtlucca.it Massimo Riccaboni, Armando Rungi Essays on Investment Patterns in Ukraine
Armando Di Lillo ECON armando.dilillo@imtlucca.it Alessandro Belmonte Essays in Applied Economics, Migration, and Conflict
Gemma Torre AMCH gemma.torre@imtlucca.it Lorenzo Casini, Maria Guercio Management of Government Archives in Italy
Vihangkumar Vinaykumar Naik SYS vihangkumar.naik@imtlucca.it Alberto Bemporad Mixed-Integer Quadratic Programming Algorithms for Embedded Control and Estimation
Xu Wang MS xu.wang@imtlucca.it Massimo Riccaboni Essays on Inter-firm Ownership Network and Social Media Marketing
Puya Latafat SYS puya.latafat@imtlucca.it Panagiotis Patrinos Distributed Proximal Algorithms for Large-Scale Structured Optimization
Loredana Fattorini ECON loredana.fattorini@imtlucca.it Armando Rungi Production networks, firm productivity and geography
Maria Venianaki IA maria.venianaki@imtlucca.it Ovidio Salvetti, Konstantinos Marias Cancer tissue classification from DCE-MRI data using pattern recognition techniques
Maria Emanuela Oddo AMCH maria.oddo@alumni.imtlucca.it Maria Luisa Catoni, Maurizio Harari Measuring time Histories of chronology building in archaeology
Alessandro Maggi CS alessandro.maggi@imtlucca.it Rocco De Nicola, Joseph Sifakis The DReAM framework: a logic-inspired approach to reconfigurable system modeling
Hanin Issa Hannouch AMCH hanin.hannouch@imtlucca.it Linda Bertelli, Alessia Cervini Art History as Janus: Sergei Eisenstein on the Visual Arts
Yuan GAO MS yuan.gao@imtlucca.it Massimo Riccaboni, Zhen Zhu, Raja Kali Network Analysis of International Patent Data: Technology Cohort, Temporal Dynamics and the Role of Trade
Giovanna D'Inverno ECON giovanna.dinverno@imtlucca.it Alessandro Belmonte, Laura Carosi Sub-national Service Provision and Public Spending Analysis
Soumali Roychowdhury CS soumali.roychowdhury@imtlucca.it Michelangelo Diligenti Supervised and Semi-Supervised Learning in Vision using Deep Neural Networks
Anno: 2013
Ciclo : XXVIII
Corso E-mail Supervisore Tesi
Gabriele Pompa CDSS gabriele.pompa@imtlucca.it Fabio Pammolli, Roberto Renò Deterministic Shift Extension of Affine Models for Variance Derivatives
Luca Trapin ECON luca.trapin@imtlucca.it Massimo Riccaboni, Marco Bee Essays on Extreme Value Theory in Economics and Finance
Rita Morisi CDSS rita.morisi@imtlucca.it Giorgio Stefano Gnecco Graph–based techniques and spectral graph theory in control and machine learning
Carlo Dal Maso ECON carlo.dalmaso@imtlucca.it Davide Ticchi Essays in Applied Econometrics
Lorenzo Stella CDSS lorenzo.stella@imtlucca.it Panagiotis Patrinos, Alberto Bemporad Proximal envelopes: Smooth optimization algorithms for nonsmooth problems
Giovanni Agostinis POLHIST giovanni.agostinis@imtlucca.it Carlos Closa Montero, Olivier Dabène Constructing Regionalism from Sectoral Cooperation A comparative analysis of the emergence, outcomes, and effects of South American health and defence cooperation within UNASUR
Alessio Sacchi POLHIST alessio.sacchi@imtlucca.it Adrienne Héritier Europe in Hard Times: Driving Institutional Change during the Eurozone Crisis
Federico Giona POLHIST federico.giona@imtlucca.it Giovanni Orsina, Hagen Schulz-Forberg Think Tanks and International Affairs during the Interwar Period: Ispi (Institute for Studies in International Politics) between foreign policy and public opinion (1919-1943)
Marta Teruzzi MDCH marta.teruzzi@imtlucca.it Emanuele Pellegrini, Simona Moretti Byzantium and Florentia. Byzantine art in Florence from the 13th to the 18th century
Samuele Dominioni POLHIST samuele.dominioni@imtlucca.it Lucia Bonfreschi, Leonardo Morlino The International Dimensions of Electoral Frauds and Electoral Malpractices. The South Caucasus
Davide Boschetto CDSS davide.boschetto@imtlucca.it Enrico Grisan Quantitative Methods for Computer Aided Decision Support Systems in Confocal LASER Endomicroscopy Imaging of the GastroIntestinal Tract
Laura Demeter MDCH laura.demeter@imtlucca.it Emanuele Pellegrini Picking up the Pieces from the Communist Past: Transitional Heritage after 1989 in Germany and Romania
Andrea Flori ECON andrea.flori@imtlucca.it Fabio Pammolli, Irene Crimaldi Three Essays on Systemic Risk and Financial Stability
Roberta Lanciani CDSS roberta.lanciani@imtlucca.it Rocco De Nicola, Luca Bortolussi Stochastic Approximations in Model Checking: A New Scalable Approach to Collective Systems Verification
Silvia Giordano MDCH silvia.giordano@imtlucca.it Paola Dubini, Alberto Monti Internationalization practices applied to the management of opera houses: empirical evidences from Italy and China
Giuseppe Pappalardo CDSS giuseppe.pappalardo@imtlucca.it Guido Caldarelli The Financial Value of Data
Riccardo Mario Cucciolla POLHIST riccardo.cucciolla@imtlucca.it Giovanni Orsina, Alexey Barabashev The Crisis of Soviet Power in Central Asia: The 'Uzbek cotton affair' (1975-1991)
Marina Andric CDSS marina.andric@imtlucca.it Rocco De Nicola, Alberto Lluch Lafuente Programming Abstractions for Data Sharing in Distributed Spaces
Francesca Pajno MDCH francesca.pajno@imtlucca.it he perception of ancient monuments in an urban context: the case of the Imperial Fora in Rome
Laurence Sean Connell POLHIST laurence.connell@imtlucca.it Antonio Masala, Daniel K. Williams Towards a Political-Cultural Explanation of the "Christian Right": Bellevue Baptist Church and the Republicanisation of American Evangelicalism
Duccio Gamannossi Degl'innocenti ECON duccio.gamannossi@imtlucca.it Matthew Rablen, Andrea Vindigni Essays on Tax Collection and Local Government Efficiency”
Ajay Kumar Sampathirao CDSS ajay.sampathirao@imtlucca.it Alberto Bemporad, Pantelis Sopasakis Parallel methods for solving stochastic optimal control problems: control of drinking water networks
Laura Nenzi CDSS laura.nenzi@imtlucca.it Rocco De Nicola, Luca Bortolussi A Logic-Based Approach to Specify and Design Spatio-Temporal Behaviours of Complex Systems
Daniele Duranti MDCH daniele.duranti@imtlucca.it Emanuele Pellegrini, Roberto Scopigno, Raffaella Trocchianesi Tangible Interaction in Museums and Cultural Heritage Sites: Towards a Conceptual and Design Framework
Andrea Morichetta CDSS andrea.morichetta@imtlucca.it Rocco De Nicola, Francesco Tiezzi A Formal Approach to Decision Support on Mobile Cloud Computing Applications
Ünal Seven ECON unal.seven@imtlucca.it Massimo Riccaboni, Ceyhun Elgin, Massimiliano Gaetano Onorato The Role of Finance in Economic Development, Income Inequality and Poverty Reduction
Daniela Silvestri CDSS daniela.silvestri@imtlucca.it Massimo Riccaboni Searching in the Dark: Exploring the Technological Search Process during the Business Cycle and in the Pharmaceutical Industry
Ciclo : XXIX
Corso E-mail Supervisore Tesi
Michela Del Vicario CDSS michela.delvicario@imtlucca.it Guido Caldarelli, Walter Quattrociocchi The Role of Confirmation Bias in the Emergence of Echo Chambers: A Data-Driven Approach
Manuela Ritondale MDCH manuela.ritondale@imtlucca.it Roberto Scopigno, Maria Luisa Catoni, Martijn van Leusen Shipwrecking Probability in Mediterranean Territorial Waters. A Cultural Approach to Archaeological Predictive Modelling
Mauro Coletto CDSS mauro.coletto@imtlucca.it Claudio Lucchese, Rocco De Nicola Analysis of Polarized Communities in Online Social Networks
Francesco Biancalani CDSS francesco.biancalani@imtlucca.it Massimo Riccaboni Innovation and Productivity of Italian Firms: Evidence and Policy
Leonardo Ridolfi ECON leonardo.ridolfi@imtlucca.it Alessandro Nuvolari, Andrea Vindigni The French economy in the longue durée. A study on real wages, working days and economic performance from Louis IX to the Revolution (1250-1789)
Fabiana Zollo CDSS fabiana.zollo@imtlucca.it Walter Quattrociocchi, Guido Caldarelli Emotional Contagion and Group Polarization: Experimental Evidence on Facebook
Enika Bushi POLHIST enika.bushi@imtlucca.it Augusto Sinagra The EU - No heaven: A Savior from Hell? Case study of Albania on its path to Europeanization
Ilaria Taddeo MDCH ilaria.taddeo@imtlucca.it Emanuele Pellegrini, Silvia Ginzburg The Guidiccioni Family between Lucca and Rome: Artistic Patronage and Cultural Production 1530-1550ca
Van Tien Hoang CDSS vantien.hoang@imtlucca.it Rocco De Nicola, Marinella Petrocchi Measuring Web Service Personalization
Andreas Themelis CDSS andreas.themelis@imtlucca.it Alberto Bemporad, Panagiotis Patrinos Proximal Algorithms for Structured Nonconvex Optimization
George Davidescu CDSS george.davidescu@imtlucca.it Guido Caldarelli The Capacitated Spanning Forest Problem
Pietro Lenarda CDSS pietro.lenarda@imtlucca.it Marco Paggi Modeling and Simulation of a Class of Nonlinear Coupled Reaction-Diffusion Problems for Green Applications
Lorenzo Morelli POLHIST lorenzo.morelli@imtlucca.it Giovanni Orsina Elémire Zolla: in defense of Tradition against the civitas diaboli
Benedetta Frassi ECON benedetta.frassi@imtlucca.it Fabio Pammolli, Armando Rungi Three Essays on Pension Systems and Fiscal Sustainability
Laura Gianfagna ECON laura.gianfagna@imtlucca.it Irene Crimaldi, Armando Rungi Four Essays on Hidden Risks into the Global Financial Architecture
Andrea Virga POLHIST andrea.virga@imtlucca.it Domenico Maria Bruni, Katia Figueredo Cabrera Fascism and Nationalism in Cuba A Case Study on the Global Projection of an European Ideology
Davide Donofrio ECON davide.donofrio@imtlucca.it Armando Rungi Essays on Empirical International Economics
Emi Ferra ECON emi.ferra@imtlucca.it Alessandro Belmonte Essays on Empirical Economics
Ilkay Oksuz CDSS ilkay.oksuz@imtlucca.it Sotirios Tsaftaris, Emiliano Ricciardi Joint Registration and Segmentation of CP-BOLD MRI
Chiara Iorino MDCH chiara.iorino@imtlucca.it Linda Bertelli, Lara Conte Maria, Medea e le altre: I volti ambivalenti della madre. Feminist re-articulations of the representation of maternity in the 20th century Italy
Lisa Bald POLHIST lisa.bald@imtlucca.it Eckart Conze, Hagen Schulz-Forberg "Pubblica Sicurezza" in the European context - Italy and the internationalisation of counterterrorism policy (1972-1982)
Francesco Angelini ECON francesco.angelini@imtlucca.it Massimo Riccaboni, Andrea Vindigni, Davide Ticchi Essays on Economics of the Arts
Yehia Moustafa Abd Alrahman CDSS yehia.abdalrahman@imtlucca.it Rocco De Nicola, Michele Loreti A Foundational Theory for Attribute-based Communication
Sergio Miracola POLHIST sergio.miracola@imtlucca.it Domenico Maria Bruni, Antonio Fiori Chinese Strategic Culture: The Origin, Organization, Operationalization and Evolution of People’s War Doctrine
Michele Mioni POLHIST michele.mioni@imtlucca.it Domenico Maria Bruni, Rolf Petri, Henry Rousso Towards a new “Social Pact”: World War II and Social Policy in Great Britain, Italy and Vichy France
Andreea Andrei MDCH andreea.andrei@imtlucca.it Emanuele Pellegrini, Linda Bertelli Images as Sites of Subversion: the Passion of Christ in the Orthodox ecclesiastical art of Transylvania (eighteenth-nineteenth centuries)
Giada Cerri MDCH giada.cerri@imtlucca.it Maria Luisa Catoni, Giacomo Pirazzoli Towards Museum-Like Sites: The Cases of Florence, Rio de Janeiro and New York
Michele Borassi CDSS michele.borassi@imtlucca.it Pierluigi Crescenzi Algorithms for Metric Properties of Large Real-World Networks
Anno: 2012
Ciclo : XXVII
Corso E-mail Supervisore Tesi
Bailey Ashton Adie MDCH bailey.adie@imtlucca.it Maria Luisa Catoni, Michael Hall Visitor Understanding of the UNESCO World Heritage Brand: A Comparative Analysis
Niccolò Fiorini EMI niccolo.fiorini@imtlucca.it Nicola Dimitri Essays on Labelling and Retail in the Food Market
Anastasia Felcher MDCH anastasia.felcher@imtlucca.it Emanuele Pellegrini, Sofia Dyak Beyond the Trauma: New Perspectives for Preservation, Management and Museum Representation of Jewish Cultural Heritage in post-Soviet Cities
Daria Brasca MDCH daria.brasca@imtlucca.it Maria Luisa Catoni, Lorenzo Casini The Fate of Jewish-Owned Cultural Property: Florence during WWII
Mohammed Abdelsamea CSE mohammed.abdelsamea@alumni.imtlucca.it Giorgio Stefano Gnecco, Mohamed Gaber Regional Active Contours based on Variational level sets and Machine Learning for Image Segmentation
Antonio Puggioni IPP antonio.puggioni@imtlucca.it Maria Chiara Malaguti Access to Justice and Sustainable Development: the National Green Tribunal of India
Caterina De Vivo MDCH caterina.devivo@imtlucca.it Maria Luisa Catoni, Wendy Griswold Revealing the Invisible: a comparative analysis of the underwater heritage management in the Mediterranean context
Alberto Guiggiani CSE alberto.guiggiani@imtlucca.it Panagiotis Patrinos, Ilya Vladimir Kolmanovsky Embedded Model Predictive Control: Finite Precision Arithmetic and Aerospace Applications
Omar Doria EMI omar.doria@imtlucca.it Fabio Pammolli Essays on the Use of Big Data in Development Economics
Rodrigo Lopez Farias CSE rodrigo.lopez@imtlucca.it Alberto Bemporad, Pantelis Sopasakis Time Series Forecasting Based on Classification of Dynamic Patterns
Diletta Storace MDCH diletta.storace@imtlucca.it Maria Luisa Catoni, Wendy Griswold An Organizational Model for Contemporary Art. Art democratization and sustainability in the post global age
Nicola De Vivo EMI nicola.devivo@imtlucca.it Guido Caldarelli, Marco Modica Essays on Urban and Environmental Economics
Iulian Romanyshyn IPP iulian.romanyshyn@imtlucca.it Domenico Maria Bruni, Raffaele Marchetti The European Union: An Effective Actor in Multilateral Arms Negotiations?
Monika Kokstaite IPP monika.kokstaite@imtlucca.it Leonardo Morlino, Domenico Maria Bruni Essays on Economic Security and the European Union: Theory, Origins, Development and Performance
Tiziano Distefano EMI tiziano.distefano@imtlucca.it Massimo Riccaboni, Giovanni Marin Essays in Ecological Economics
Iole Pina Fontana IPP iole.fontana@imtlucca.it Maria Elena Cavallaro, Stefania Panebianco The implementation of the European Neighbourhood Policy in Tunisia and Morocco: when domestic actors make a difference
Sahizer Samuk IPP sahizer.samuk@imtlucca.it Maria Elena Cavallaro, Andrew Peter Geddes, Michael Collyer Temporary Migration and Temporary Integration: Canada and the UK in A Comparative Perspective
Michele Stawowy CSE michele.stawowy@imtlucca.it Diego Calvanese, Rocco De Nicola Plan Synthesis in Explicit-Input Knowledge and Action Bases
Tiziano Antognozzi MDCH tiziano.antognozzi@imtlucca.it Emanuele Pellegrini, Wendy Griswold FINE BUT LIBERAL: THE ROMAN REVOLUTION AND THE ART SCENE OF ROME (1846-1849)
Rafael Brundo Uriarte CSE rafael.uriarte@imtlucca.it Rocco De Nicola Supporting Autonomic Management of Clouds: Service-Level-Agreement, Cloud Monitoring and Similarity Learning
Anno: 2011
Ciclo : XXVI
Corso E-mail Supervisore Tesi
Maria Gesualdo EMI maria.gesualdo@alumni.imtlucca.it Alessandro Petretto Building and Running a Computable General Equilibrium Tax Model of Italy
Luca Sani CSE luca.sani@alumni.imtlucca.it Luciano Lenzini, Enrico Gregori An Analysis of the Completeness of the Internet AS-level Topology Discovered by Route Collectors
Marta Chiara Nicosia MDCH mchiara.nicosia@alumni.imtlucca.it Linda Bertelli L'Art de la Reverie. Female Daydreams in Nineteenth Century Painting
Paula Jimena Matiz López MDCH paula.matiz@imtlucca.it Andrea Giuseppe Zocchi Integrated Risk Assessment for Cultural Heritage Sites: a holistic support tool for decision-making
Giulia Ghiani EMI giulia.ghiani@alumni.imtlucca.it Max Gillman Monetary policy and financial markets: regime switches in US short-term interest rates and stock prices. A Markov-switching VAR approach
Paolo Sgrignoli EMI paolo.sgrignoli@imtlucca.it Massimo Riccaboni The World Trade Web: A Multiple-Network Perspective
Olga Chiappinelli EMI olga.chiappinelli@imtlucca.it Nicola Dimitri Interdisciplinary Essays on Public Procurement
Michela Paolini CSE michela.paolini@alumni.imtlucca.it Michele Boreale Information-Theoretic Models of Confidentiality and Privacy
Magdalena Jarosik MDCH magdalena.jarosik@imtlucca.it Lorenzo Casini, Maria Luisa Catoni Implications of Legal Protection and Quality Management of the Traditional Regional Food Heritage in the EU The Case of a PDO Oscypek Cheese from Southern Poland
Samuel Morrison Gallacher MDCH samuel.gallacher@imtlucca.it Emanuele Pellegrini Gift Exchange at the Court of Cosimo I de' Medici (1537-1574)
Maria Romaniello PSIC maria.romaniello@alumni.imtlucca.it Antonio Masala, Nicola Lupo Upper Chambers in EU Parliamentary Democracies
Stefano Sebastio CSE stefano.sebastio@alumni.imtlucca.it Alberto Lluch Lafuente, Michele Amoretti Enriching Volunteer Clouds with Self-* Capabilities
Riccardo Di Clemente EMI riccardo.diclemente@imtlucca.it Luciano Pietronero Essays on Economic and Social Complexity, 1968-1980
Nabil Shokri PSIC nabil.shokri@imtlucca.it Leonardo Morlino Arab Spring: an attempt of conceptualization and some empirical tests
Massimo Minervini CSE massimo.minervini@imtlucca.it Sotirios Tsaftaris Application-aware image compression and sensing platform for plant phenotyping
Alessandro Belmonte EMI alessandro.belmonte@imtlucca.it Andrea Vindigni Essays on Political Economy
Lorenzo Ferrari PSIC lorenzo.ferrari@alumni.imtlucca.it Mark Gilbert, Giovanni Orsina Speaking with a Single Voice. The Assertion of the EC as a Distinctive International Actor, 1969-79
Bassma Abou El Fadl MDCH bassma.abouelfadl@alumni.imtlucca.it Mohamed Gamal Abdelmonem A Performative Space: Socio-Spatial Practices in Tahrir Square during the Egyptian Revolution of 2011
Gabriele Ranco EMI gabriele.ranco@imtlucca.it Guido Caldarelli Predictive power of web Big Data in Financial Economics
Benedetto Zaccaria PSIC benedetto.zaccaria@alumni.imtlucca.it Antonio Varsori For the Sake of Yugoslavia. The EEC’s Yugoslav Policy in Cold War Europe, 1968-1980
Paola Varotto PSIC paola.varotto@imtlucca.it Maria Elena Cavallaro, Antonio Varsori A MAIN GERMAN QUESTION The Evolution of the FRG ' s Multilateral Policy of Detente in a Decade of Major Crises and Changes, 1975-1985
Giovanni Accongiagioco CSE giovanni.accongiagioco@alumni.imtlucca.it Enrico Gregori, Luciano Lenzini Modeling and Analysis of the Internet Topology
Yeşim Tonga Uriarte MDCH yesim.tonga@imtlucca.it Stefano Baia Curioni The State and the Arts: The Theatre Scene in Turkey
Konstantinos Karatzias MDCH konstantinos.karatzias@imtlucca.it Lorenzo Casini, Katja Lindqvist Audience Development in Public Cultural Centers: A Qualitative Study in Sweden and Denmark
Francesca Pampaloni CSE francesca.pampaloni@alumni.imtlucca.it Michele Boreale Quantitative Models of Information Flow: Tuning the Power of the Adversary
Anno: 2010
Ciclo : XXV
Corso E-mail Supervisore Tesi
Nicola Catenacci Volpi CSE nicola.catenacci@alumni.imtlucca.it Paolo Ciancarini, Giovanni Pezzulo The Modularity of Attention from an Artificial Intelligence perspective
Dario Gianluigi De Maio EMI dario.demaio@alumni.imtlucca.it Nicola Dimitri Essays on Applied Energy Economics: Design and Regulation of the Markets for Electricity and Natural Gas
Yari Fatighenti EMI yari.fatighenti@alumni.imtlucca.it Nicola Dimitri Alternative characterizations of Nash equilibrium
Evinc Dogan MDCH evinc.dogan@alumni.imtlucca.it Stefano Baia Curioni, Ibrahim Sirkeci Analysing the Impact of a Mega-Event on City Image by Visual Methodologies: Branding Istanbul during the European Capital of Culture 2010
Vit Simral PSIC vit.simral@alumni.imtlucca.it Leonardo Morlino The Cost of Partitocracy: Party Funding in East Central Europe
Tihana Puc MDCH tihana.puc@alumni.imtlucca.it Stefano Baia Curioni The (In)visible Artists - Contemporary Artists from Croatia in the post-1989 "Globalized" Contemporary Art Field
Irina Mirkina PSIC irina.mirkina@alumni.imtlucca.it Andreas Bergh The Interplay between Bureaucracy and Globalization
Maria Chiara Cavalleri EMI mariac.cavalleri@alumni.imtlucca.it Alessandro Petretto Essays on the Portability of Pension Rights and Distortions in Labour Mobility Choices
Diego Pennacchioli CSE diego.pennacchioli@alumni.imtlucca.it Dino Pedreschi, Fosca Giannotti, Massimo Riccaboni Big Data, Complex Networks and Markets
Elvira Khakimova MDCH elvira.khakimova@alumni.imtlucca.it Lorenzo Casini Cultural Policy in Central Asia: Comparative Analysis of Legislations and Public Policies
Ahmed Shams MDCH ahmed.shams@alumni.imtlucca.it Lorenzo Casini Human Occupation Development in the High Mountains of Sinai Peninsula, Egypt With Alpine and Himalayan Reflections in the Light of Rural-Urban Development Socio-economy, Semi-Arid Watershed Management Socio-ecology and Land Use Policy Governance
Ana Stojanova PSIC ana.stojanova@alumni.imtlucca.it Leonardo Morlino Elite- or mass-driven democratic consolidation? Western Balkans in comparative perspective
Veronica Lenzi PSIC veronica.lenzi@alumni.imtlucca.it Filippo Andreatta States Membership in Energy Inter-Governmental Organizations (IGOs): Trade, Alliances and Regulation
Enrico De Angelis EMI enrico.deangelis@imtlucca.it Francesco Sobbrio, Massimo Riccaboni Essays on Virtual Water Trade
Alberto Frigerio MDCH alberto.frigerio@alumni.imtlucca.it Fabrizio Coricelli The Underwater Cultural Heritage: a Comparative Analysis of International Perspectives, Laws and Methods of Management
Svetlana Smirnova MDCH svetlana.smirnova@alumni.imtlucca.it Maria Luisa Catoni Managing the UNESCO World Heritage Serial Property in Russia
Lisa Gianmoena EMI lisa.gianmoena@alumni.imtlucca.it Fabio Pammolli Spatial Dynamics and Growth Rate Volatility of European Regions
Anvarjon Rahmetov PSIC anvarjon.rahmetov@alumni.imtlucca.it Leonardo Morlino Conceptualizing and Explaining Post-Soviet Authoritarian Breakdowns: Cases of 'Color Revolutions'
Marco Modica EMI marco.modica@alumni.imtlucca.it Fabio Pammolli Essays in Regional and Complex Urban Economics
Francesca Fondi PSIC francesca.fondi@alumni.imtlucca.it Aleksander Xhuvani Higher Education in Albania: access and financing
Iffat Ahmed CSE iffat.ahmed@alumni.imtlucca.it Leonardo Badia Multimedia Quality improvements for Next Generation Networks
Melahat Isilay Gursu MDCH isilay.gursu@alumni.imtlucca.it The Role of 'Public' in Public-Private Partnerships: Reading the Cultural Heritage Management Practices of Turkey
Andrea Vandin CSE Alberto Lluch Lafuente, Fabio Gadducci Specification and Analysis of Systems with Dynamic Structure
Marco Frigerio EMI marco.frigerio@alumni.imtlucca.it Fabrizio Coricelli Essays on Creditless Recoveries
Chiara Tarantino MDCH chiara.tarantino@alumni.imtlucca.it Stefano Baia Curioni, Fulvia Donati The Museum Heritage of Italian Universities: Current Situation and Improvement Opportunities
Alessandro Celestini CSE alessandro.celestini@alumni.imtlucca.it Francesco Tiezzi, Rocco De Nicola, Michele Boreale On the Analysis and Evaluation of Trust and Reputation Systems
Dmytro Karamshuk CSE dmytro.karamshuk@alumni.imtlucca.it Marco Conti, Luciano Lenzini Modeling and Understanding the Role of Human Mobility in the Cyber-Physical World
Stefania Aimar MDCH stefania.aimar@imtlucca.it Emanuele Pellegrini Coral Gables: A contemporary Urban Utopia
Cinzia Carmosino MDCH cinzia.carmosino@imtlucca.it Lorenzo Casini "One, No one and One Hundred Thousand". The legal notion(s) of cultural property
Lorenzo Cicchi PSIC lorenzo.cicchi@alumni.imtlucca.it Luciano Bardi The Logic of Voting Behaviour in the European Parliament: New Insights on Party Group Membership and National Affiliation as Determinants of Vote
Mine Kolukirik PSIC mine.kolukirik@alumni.imtlucca.it Giovan Francesco Lanzara Learning to Change: The Organizational Learning Dimension of UN Reform
Alain Tcheukam Siwe CSE alain.tcheukam@alumni.imtlucca.it Ugo Giovanni Erasmo Montanari Prosumer planning in the DEZENT context of regenerative power production
Anno: 2009
Ciclo : XXIV
Corso E-mail Supervisore Tesi
Ana Ljubojevic PSIC ana.ljubojevic@alumni.imtlucca.it Maria Elena Cavallaro, Luca Mezzetti What’s the story? Legal and media narratives of war crime trials and shaping of national identity in Croatia and Serbia
Begum Cimen EMI begum.cimen@alumni.imtlucca.it Necip Cakir, Francesco Sobbrio Essays on the Spatial Analysis of the Housing Market
Koteswararao Kondepu CSE koteswararao.kondepu@alumni.imtlucca.it Giuseppe Anastasi Energy Efficient Discovery Strategies for WSNs with Mobile Elements
Davide Bradanini PSIC davide.bradanini@alumni.imtlucca.it Francesco Strazzari Common sense and 'national emergency': neoliberal hegemony in 1990s Italy.
Stefano Abbate CSE stefano.abbate@alumni.imtlucca.it Marco Avvenuti Wireless Sensing Devices: From Research to Real Applications in Logistics and Healthcare
Valentina Giommoni PSIC valentina.giommoni@alumni.imtlucca.it Leonardo Morlino Religion and Quality of Democracy in Israel
Letizia Montinari EMI letizia.montinari@alumni.imtlucca.it Giammario Impullitti Technology, Development and Welfare: Two Essays in International Trade and Development Economics
Anne Kersten Kauer CSE anne.kersten@alumni.imtlucca.it Roberto Bruni, Carla Ferreira Formal Specification, Verification and Analysis of Long-running Transactions
Donata Franzi PSIC donata.franzi@alumni.imtlucca.it Carlo Cambini Energy rules harmonization in the Euro-Mediterranean area between external pressures for rules change and domestic institutional restraints. The case of independent regulatory agencies
Valeria Galanti PSIC valeria.galanti@alumni.imtlucca.it Antonio Masala, Luca Mezzetti Conditions for plausibility of Women’s Conventions: Internalising the paradigm shift in the Inter-American System of Human Rights. Analysing a comparable experience for the Istanbul Convention
Pavel Belchev PSIC pavel.belchev@alumni.imtlucca.it Antoine Vauchez Is the Court of Justice of the European Union a mere Instrument in the Hands of Member States?
Ahmed Nagy CSE ahmed.nagy@alumni.imtlucca.it Alberto Ambrosini Leveraging Semantic Techniques for Social Media Analysis Applied to Disaster Management
Michael Rochlitz EMI michael.rochlitz@alumni.imtlucca.it Andrea Vindigni Two Essays on Institutions and the State in Russia & A Study of Absorptive Capacity
Luca Anchora CSE luca.anchora@alumni.imtlucca.it Leonardo Badia Spectrum sharing in mobile cellular networks: an alternative approach for efficient resource utilization
Hossein Vahabi CSE hossein.vahabi@alumni.imtlucca.it Fabrizio Silvestri, Ricardo Baeza-Yates Recommendation Techniques for Web Search and Social Media
Aida Kisunaite PSIC aida.kisunaite@alumni.imtlucca.it Bruno Dente Participation of social CSOs in the OMC inclusion: how does it affect European governance and CSOs themselves?
Gianmarco De Francisci Morales CSE gianmarco.dfmorales@alumni.imtlucca.it Claudio Lucchese, Ranieri Baraglia Big Data and the Web: Algorithms for Data Intensive Scalable Computing
Giovanni Marin EMI giovanni.marin@alumni.imtlucca.it Francesca Lotti, Massimiliano Mazzanti Essays in Applied Environmental and Innovation Economics
Emanuele Carlini CSE emanuele.carlini@alumni.imtlucca.it Laura Ricci, Massimo Coppola, Alberto Montresor Combining Peer-to-Peer and Cloud Computing for Large Scale On-line Games
Maria Gkresta PSIC maria.gkresta@alumni.imtlucca.it Berndt Belina State, space and security: the treatment of deviant groups in times of crisis
Marco Mori CSE marco.mori@alumni.imtlucca.it Paola Inverardi A Framework to Support Consistent Design and Evolution of Adaptive Systems
Simona Losito PSIC simona.losito@alumni.imtlucca.it Mario Del Pero The Human Rights Diplomacy The Carter Presidency and the Relationship with Brazil (1977-1981)
Oznur Ozdamar EMI oznur.ozdamar@alumni.imtlucca.it Andrea Vindigni Public Expenditures on Family-Specific Benefits, Governance and Child Health Outcomes
Alexander Dmitrishin PSIC alexander.dmitrishin@alumni.imtlucca.it Giliberto Capano Socio-Political Aspects of Higher Education and Knowledge Production: The Case of University Rankings
Leopoldo Mondauto EMI leopoldo.mondauto@alumni.imtlucca.it Carlo Cambini The use of administrative data: from the evaluation of the EPL effect to the analysis of the university graduates' labor market
Anno: 2008
Ciclo : XXIII
Corso E-mail Supervisore Tesi
Caterina Miriello EMI c.miriello@alumni.imtlucca.it Carlo Cambini Regulating the development of renewable energy: a model-based analysis of electricity utilities in Europe.
Ali Hedayat PSIC a.hedayat@alumni.imtlucca.it Massimiliano Andretta The Claim-making of the Islamist Hizb-ut-Tahrir and the Radical Right-wing party NPD in the Federal Republic of Germany
Raymond Steenkamp Fonseca PSIC r.steenkampfonseca@alumni.imtlucca.it Zaki Laidi South Africa's Foreign Economic Policy: Strategies of an Emerging Power
Fabiana Sacchetti PSIC f.sacchetti@alumni.imtlucca.it Leonardo Morlino Political and Socio-economic Liberalizations in Morocco: Genuine Democratization or Smart Authoritarianism?
Luisa Gagliardi EMI l.gagliardi@alumni.imtlucca.it Lanfranco Senn Intangible Assets and Local Economic Performance
Irene Mammi EMI i.mammi@alumni.imtlucca.it Giorgio Calzolari Essays in GMM estimation of dynamic panel data models
Farshad Shams CSE f.shams@alumni.imtlucca.it Marco Luise Cooperative Techniques in Wireless Communications: a Game- and Information- Theoretic Analysis
Sara De Masi EMI s.demasi@alumni.imtlucca.it Carlo Cambini CEO compensation and characteristics of the boards of directors in European public utilities of the energy sector
Alexander Kuznetsov PSIC a.kuznetsov@alumni.imtlucca.it Raffaele Marchetti Subnational Governments in International Affairs: A Study on Theory and Practice of Paradiplomacy
Nicholas Caporusso CSE n.caporusso@alumni.imtlucca.it Licia Sbattella Issues, Challenges and Practices in Advancing Pervasive Human-Computer Interaction for People with Combined Hearing and Vision Impairments
Sonia Taneja CSE s.taneja@alumni.imtlucca.it Maria Grazia Buscemi, Ugo Giovanni Erasmo Montanari A Game-Theoretical Analysis of Grid Job Scheduling
Lusine Mkrtchyan CSE l.mkrtchyan@alumni.imtlucca.it Beatrice Lazzerini Alternative Solutions to Traditional Approaches to Risk Analysis and Decision Making Using Fuzzy Logic
Maddalena Nurchis CSE m.nurchis@alumni.imtlucca.it Luciano Lenzini, Marco Conti Novel Routing paradigms for Wireless Mesh Networks
Ilaria Petrarca EMI i.petrarca@alumni.imtlucca.it Alessandro Petretto Essays on Electoral Accountability and Local Public Finance
Luong Thanh Binh CSE l.thanhbinh@alumni.imtlucca.it Franco Turini, Roberto Ruggieri Generalized Discrimination Discovery on Semi-structured Data Supported by Ontology
Alessandro Ciaramella CSE a.ciaramella@alumni.imtlucca.it Beatrice Lazzerini, Francesco Marcelloni Situation Awareness in Mobile Recommendation Systems
Elira Karaja EMI e.karaja@alumni.imtlucca.it Gérard Roland, Barry Eichengreen Essays on Institutions and Reforms for Transition (Emerging) Economies
Perihan Ozge Saygin EMI p.saygin@alumni.imtlucca.it Francesca Lotti On Gender Differences in Higher Education in Turkey
Carlo Giuseppe Cirulli PSIC c.cirulli@alumni.imtlucca.it Viviene Schmidt La sinistra italiana e il processo d'integrazione europea: la transizione del Pci attraverso il suo discorso sull'Europa.
Virginia Silvestri EMI v.silvestri@alumni.imtlucca.it Carlo Cambini Network Development and Regulation in Broadband Markets
Michele Budinich CSE m.budinich@alumni.imtlucca.it Bruno Codenotti Auctions and Mechanisms in Keyword-based Advertising
Adele Del Sordi PSIC a.delsordi@alumni.imtlucca.it Luca Mezzetti The Party of Power of Kazakhstan. The origins, resources and regime-supporting functions of Nur Otan.
Camilla Landi EMI c.landi@alumni.imtlucca.it Michele Polo Ex-post Evaluation of Competition Authorities' Activities
Guido Scatena CSE g.scatena@alumni.imtlucca.it Roberto Barbuti, Francesca Levi Abstract Probabilistic Semantics for the Analysis of Biological Systems Models
Anno: 2006
Ciclo : XXI
Corso E-mail Supervisore Tesi
Federica Sutera TMCH f.sutera@alumni.imtlucca.it Clara Baracchini, Antonia D'Aniello Digitalizzazione della documentazione di restauro e conservazione: studio critico sull'usabilità di SICaR.
Giulia Fernanda Giovanna Ajmone Marsan EMI g.ajmonemarsan@alumni.imtlucca.it Nicola Bellomo, Massimo Egidi, Jean Pierre Nadal New Paradigms and Mathematical Methods for Complex Systems in Behavioral Economics
Massimo Vecchio CSE m.vecchio@alumni.imtlucca.it Beatrice Lazzerini, Francesco Marcelloni Novel approaches to in-network processing for the reduction of energy consumption in wireless sensor networks
Giovanna Tennirelli TMCH g.tennirelli@alumni.imtlucca.it Ettore Spalletti, Maria Teresa Filieri, Massimo Bergamasco Re-dress museum. Elaborazione di un modello di gestione museale per le collezioni di abiti storici
Francesco Panicucci CSE f.panicucci@alumni.imtlucca.it Antonio Prete Wire delay effects reduction techniques and topology optimization in NUCA based CMP systems
Diana Lomas TMCH d.lomas@alumni.imtlucca.it Maria Adriana Giusti, Francesca Velani Unlocking the potentialities of Northern Sardinia:exploitation of its Romanic assets
Roberta Albicocco TMCH r.albicocco@alumni.imtlucca.it Fulvia Donati La musealizzazione dei relitti navali. Le scelte espositive ed il monitoraggio del microclima: linee guida
Francesco Santini CSE f.santini@alumni.imtlucca.it Stefano Bistarelli Soft Constraint Tools for Quality Aspects: Languages, Frameworks and Aggregation Schemes
Desdemona Ventroni TMCH d.ventroni@alumni.imtlucca.it Maria Grazia Messina, Marco Dezzi Bardeschi Salvaguardia di un archivio d'arte contemporanea. Dalla galleria Schema allo Spazio d'arte Alberto Moretti/Schema Polis.
Massimiliano Bini TMCH m.bini@alumni.imtlucca.it Lucia Tomasi Tongiorgi Il nuovo Museo della Carta di Pescia. Passato, presente e futuro di un museo contemporaneo.
Alessandro Cologni EMI a.cologni@alumni.imtlucca.it Matteo Manera Essays on the Economics and Politics of Oil Producing Countries
Beatrice Messeri TMCH b.messeri@alumni.imtlucca.it Maurizio Boriani, Marco Dezzi Bardeschi, Pisit Charoenwongsa Perspectives and projects of preservation, conservation and management in WHL sites in South East Asia. New proposals for management plans Guidelines
Giannicola Bacci TMCH g.bacci@alumni.imtlucca.it Maria Adriana Giusti, Chloe Campo de Montauzon Analisi delle problematiche e potenzialità della gestione integrata del patrimonio diffuso. Il sistema paesaggistico delle Ville Lucchesi. Linee guida per una gestione innovativa
Valentine Lomellini PSIC v.lomellini@alumni.imtlucca.it Antonio Varsori L'appuntamento mancato. Le relazioni tra la Sinistra occidentale e l'opposizione all'interno del blocco sovietico 1968-1981
Mehmet Efe Biresselioglu PSIC e.biresselioglu@alumni.imtlucca.it Nicola Bellomo European Energy Security: Turkey's Role as a Major Conduit for the Greater Caspian Hydrocarbon Reserves
Fabrizio Coticchia PSIC f.coticchia@alumni.imtlucca.it Maurizio Enrico Serra ll Lungo Sentiero sul Lago di Ghiaccio: L'Evoluzione della Politica di Difesa Italiana dalla Fine della Guerra Fredda all'"Operazione Leonte"
Saira Ahmed EMI saira.ahmed@alumni.imtlucca.it Ahmed Vaqar Z. Essays in Trade, Taxation and External Shocks in a Small Open Economy
Leonardo Gaetano Mezzina CSE l.mezzina@imtlucca.it Roberto Bruni Typing Services
Serena Cassissa TMCH s.cassissa@alumni.imtlucca.it Valerio Berruti L'arte con-temporanea e la sua conservazione: paradossi teorici e nuove soluzioni.
Nadezda Negovelova EMI n.negovelova@alumni.imtlucca.it Carlo Cambini Railways Regulation in Countries of the Former USSR: Reforms, Efficiency Estimation and Governance Choice
Luca Abeti CSE l.abeti@alumni.imtlucca.it Paolo Ciancarini Business-Oriented Model Driven Development of Service Oriented Architectures
Anna Caputo PSIC a.caputo@alumni.imtlucca.it Bruno Dente L'implementazione delle Politiche Pubbliche attraverso un nuovo modello di Multi-Level Governance in Italia: il caso del Dipartimento delle Politiche di Sviluppo e Coesione
Enrico Calossi PSIC e.calossi@alumni.imtlucca.it Luciano Bardi Organizzazione e funzioni dei Partiti Politici a Livello Europeo. Il caso del Partito della Sinistra Europea
Maria Cecera TMCH m.cecera@alumni.imtlucca.it Marta Ciafaloni Le facciate dipinte: linee guida per la conservazione. Il caso studio della Certosa di Calci.
Laura Bolondi TMCH l.bolondi@alumni.imtlucca.it Luigia Binda Lucchesian Villas renders:basis for a research guideline on diffused heritage systems
Giacomo Landeschi TMCH g.landeschi@alumni.imtlucca.it Marinella Pasquinucci Using VR for the archaeological risk evaluation in an alluvial coastal plain
Jane Lezina PSIC j.lezina@alumni.imtlucca.it Tatiana Vorozheykina Transformations of Political Culture in Post-Totalitarian Societies. Post-World War II West Germany and Post-Soviet Russia in Comparative Perspective.
Marc Johan Botenga PSIC m.botenga@alumni.imtlucca.it Juan Eugenio Corradi The Iranian Leviathan: State Formation, Progress and Democracy in Iran
Fabio Calugi PSIC f.calugi@alumni.imtlucca.it Paolo Nello Il tricolore e la bandiera rossa. Patria e interesse nazionale nel discorso pubblico del PCI togliattiano (1944-1949).
Daniela Conte PSIC d.conte@alumni.imtlucca.it Michele Sorice Media Diplomacy. Gli effetti della rivoluzione satellitare araba sul confronto tra l'Occidente e la Mezza Luna
Luca Genovali CSE l.genovali@alumni.imtlucca.it Fabrizio Baiardi, Carlo Ghezzi A Voronoi Based Framework for the Definition of P2P Distributed Virtual Environments
Michele Berlingerio CSE m.berlingerio@alumni.imtlucca.it Francesco Bonchi, Fosca Giannotti Graph and Network Data: Mining the Temporal Dimension
Lisa Marrani TMCH l.marrani@alumni.imtlucca.it Maria Adriana Giusti, Jose Luis Oyon El patrimonio en la ciudad contemporánea, entre identidad y transformación. El caso del Turó de la Font de la Guatlla a Barcelona.
Costanza Anselma Russo EMI c.russo@alumni.imtlucca.it Francesco Vella The insolvency of cross border banking groups: problems and perspectives
Barbara Furletti CSE b.furletti@alumni.imtlucca.it Franco Turini Ontology-Driven Knowledge Discovery
Lorenza Camin TMCH l.camin@alumni.imtlucca.it Massimo Bergamasco, Antonella Negri Tecnologie informatiche per la conoscenza e la comunicazione di Lucca romana
Anna Maria Giannone TMCH a.giannone@alumni.imtlucca.it Francesco Antinucci Comunicazione e trasmissione di conoscenza nel museo. Indagine sui visitatori della Galleria Borghese.
Anno: 2005
Ciclo : XX
Corso E-mail Supervisore Tesi
Simone Busetti PSIC s.busetti@alumni.imtlucca.it Bruno Dente Soluzioni istituzionali per problemi di policy: la riorganizzazione dei trasporti a Londra e Barcellona
Maria Bigoni EMI m.bigoni@alumni.imtlucca.it Giancarlo Spagnolo Theoretical and Experimental Economic Analysis of Collusion
Marilena Filippelli EMI m.filippelli@alumni.imtlucca.it Mario Libertini, Rudolph J. R. Peritz Collective Dominance in Competition Law
Elisa Lastella TMCH e.lastella@alumni.imtlucca.it Sonia Maffei, Massimo Bergamasco Saperi storici e nuove tecnologie La pratica dei saperi e le nuove metodologie di trasmissione: "Storia di una statua" a Pietrasanta
Erika Conti PSIC e.conti@alumni.imtlucca.it Valentina Colombo Political Rights and Representation for Women in Egypt
Laura Pecchioli TMCH l.pecchioli@alumni.imtlucca.it Massimo Bergamasco, Thomas H. Kolbe Accessing Information navigating in a 3D Intercative Environment
Alessandra Battistelli TMCH a.battistelli@alumni.imtlucca.it Maurizio Boriani Preservation, Valorization and Management of Nonomonumental Historical Settlements in Latin America The Cultural Heritage as a Resource, from the Protection Tools towards the Sustainability Policies of Interventions through the Colombian Case Study
Marta Severo TMCH m.severo@alumni.imtlucca.it Maurizio Boriani Web-based Tools to manage Network Cultural Heritage
Michela Aquilano BSE m.aquilano@alumni.imtlucca.it Maria Chiara Carrozza On the experimental Analysis and Assessment of Robots for Personal Assistance and Neurorehabilitation
Benedetta Cesqui BSE b.cesqui@alumni.imtlucca.it Silvestro Micera Innovative Methods for the Analysis and Restoration of Motor Control in Elders and Stroke Patients.
Cristina Borgioli TMCH c.borgioli@alumni.imtlucca.it Donata Devoti, Massimo Bergamasco La musealizzazione dei tessuti: proposte per la promozione della sezione tessili del Museo Nazionale di Palazzo Mansi a Lucca
Nicolò Dell'Unto TMCH n.dellunto@alumni.imtlucca.it Maurizio Forte Metodologia digitali integrate per la creazione, lo sviluppo e la crescita di comunità virtuali dedicate all'archeologia
Valerio Novembre EMI v.novembre@alumni.imtlucca.it Rosa Lastra Three Essays on the Implementation Process of the Basel II Capital Accord
Stefano Costalli PSIC Vittorio Emanuele Parsi, Giampiero M. Gallo Politics behind Globalization: The Influence of Political and Security Variables on Economic Interdependence among States
Emanuele Caselli BSE e.caselli@alumni.imtlucca.it Paolo Dario, Barbara Mazzolai, Virgilio Mattoli Bio-inspired Robotic Networks for Environmental and Human Health Monitoring
Roberto Guanciale CSE r.guanciale@alumni.imtlucca.it Gianluigi Ferrari The Signal Calculus: beyond message based coordination for services
Marina Turcati PSIC m.turcati@alumni.imtlucca.it William Peter Baehr Italo-Chinese economic cooperation in the XXI century: different actors and the search for a strategy
Patrizio Dazzi CSE p.dazzi@alumni.imtlucca.it Marco Danelutto Tools and Models for High Level Parallel and Grid Programming
Luigi Manfredi BSE l.manfredi@alumni.imtlucca.it Cecilia Laschi Study and Development of Adaptable Sensory-motor Control Schemes for Bio-inspired Robotic Systems.
Habiba Skalli CSE h.skalli@alumni.imtlucca.it Luciano Lenzini, Marco Conti Channel Assignment, Routing and Cross Layer issues for Multi-radio Multi-channel Wireless Mesh Networks
Susanna Caccia Gherardini TMCH s.caccia@alumni.imtlucca.it Maria Adriana Giusti, Rosa Tamborrino Beside the Seaside: Research Methodology and Guidelines for the Preservation of Bathing Architectural Heritage
Michela Ceccorulli PSIC m.ceccorulli@alumni.imtlucca.it Maurizio Enrico Serra Cooperation in European defence procurement: OCCAR and the security regime
Alessia Savoldi EMI a.savoldi@alumni.imtlucca.it Carlo Cambini Competition and Regulation in the Railway industry
Silvia Vesco TMCH s.vesco@alumni.imtlucca.it Claudio Arias Ecomusei come strumenti di sviluppo. Quale gestione? L'analisi di un caso: l'Ecomuseo della Montagna Pistoiese
Diego Colombo CSE d.colombo@alumni.imtlucca.it Antonio Cisternino Domain Driven Program Evolution
Pericle Salvini BSE p.salvini@alumni.imtlucca.it Paolo Dario, Cecilia Laschi An Experimental Study on Human-Robot Interaction. The Role of Aesthetics, Emotions and Ethics in the Design of Acceptability of Service and Personal Robots
Andrea Bellandi CSE a.bellandi@alumni.imtlucca.it Franco Turini Extending Ontology Queries with Bayesian Network Reasoning
Christian Cipriani BSE c.cipriani@alumni.imtlucca.it Maria Chiara Carrozza Control Developments for Prosthetic and Cybernetic Hands
Debora Marconcini TMCH d.marconcini@alumni.imtlucca.it Sonia Maffei, Massimo Bergamasco Le voci del marmo. Saperi storici e nuove tecnologie: le tecniche della scultura dai trattati storici alle digital libraries
Davide Bacciu CSE d.bacciu@alumni.imtlucca.it Antonina Starita, Paulo J.g. Lisboa A Perceptual Learning Model to Discover the Hierarchical Latent Structure of Image Collections
Luigi Moretti EMI l.moretti@alumni.imtlucca.it Fabrizio Coricelli Essays on the Real Effects of Banking Development and Concentration
Silvia Bossi BSE s.bossi@alumni.imtlucca.it Arianna Menciassi, Silvestro Micera Development of a New Generation of Invasive Neural Interface
Anna Taorchini EMI a.taorchini@alumni.imtlucca.it Carlo Scarpa, Bernardo Bortolotti Central v. Local ownership of firms
Veronica Piacentini TMCH v.piacentini@alumni.imtlucca.it Maurizio Boriani, Gamini Wijesuriya, Elvezio Galanti, Massimo Bergamasco Safeguarding cultural property from natural and man-made risks. Suggestions for personnel involved in the protection of living religious cultural heritage
Antonio Bucchiarone CSE a.bucchiarone@alumni.imtlucca.it Stefania Gnesi Dynamic Software Architectures for Global Computing Systems
Carlo Stagnaro EMI c.stagnaro@alumni.imtlucca.it Sergio Grea Three essays on the Economics of Climate Change
Matteo Tondini PSIC m.tondini@alumni.imtlucca.it Bruno Dente Ubi Maior, Ibi Ius: Assessing Justice System Reform in Afghanistan
Gaetano Ciaravella BSE g.ciaravella@alumni.imtlucca.it Paolo Dario, Cecilia Laschi Design and Development of a Biomimetic Vestibular System
Saverio Serri PSIC s.serri@alumni.imtlucca.it Viktor Zaslavsky, Giovanni Orsina Fanfani e il 1958: una nuova politica estera per l'Italia
Alessandra Paradisi TMCH a.paradisi@alumni.imtlucca.it Lucia Toniolo Conservation of Ancient Plasters: Evaluation of the Surface Consolidation
Elena D'Alfonso EMI e.dalfonso@alumni.imtlucca.it Fabrizio Coricelli Essays on the Dynamics of Productivity at the Firm Level: the Role of Finance
Caterina Giannetti EMI c.giannetti@alumni.imtlucca.it Giampiero M. Gallo Essays on Empirical Banking
Vito Monaco BSE v.monaco@alumni.imtlucca.it Silvestro Micera Ageing and Related Disorders on Lower Limb Performance: Functional Analysis and Rehabilitation Robotic Platform.
Umberto Scarfogliero BSE u.scarfogliero@alumni.imtlucca.it Paolo Dario, Cesare Stefanini Locomotion Issues in Bio-inspired Robots
Elena Bonini TMCH e.bonini@alumni.imtlucca.it Maurizio Forte I processi cognitivi in sistemi tridimensionali condivisi di comunicazione digitale per i beni culturali: un approccio epistemologico alla musealizzazione virtuale
Marco Piccigallo BSE m.piccigallo@alumni.imtlucca.it Oliver Tonet, Paolo Dario Mechatronic Devices for Minimally Invasive Surgery
Daniele Strollo CSE d.strollo@alumni.imtlucca.it Gianluigi Ferrari, Emilio Tuosto Designing and Experimenting Coordination Primitives for Service Oriented Computing
Claudio Catalano PSIC c.catalano@alumni.imtlucca.it Christopher Hill The role of Italy in the development of a European security and defence policy
Gabriele Ferri BSE g.ferri@alumni.imtlucca.it Barbara Mazzolai, Virgilio Mattoli Biorobotics for Chemical Sources Localization
Veronica Neri TMCH v.neri@alumni.imtlucca.it Maria Teresa Filieri, Massimo Bergamasco, Alessandro Tosi, Sonia Maffei Segni incisi sul web. La valorizzazione e la comunicazione della grafica a Lucca attraverso le nuove tecnologie
Luca Citi BSE l.citi@alumni.imtlucca.it Silvestro Micera, Oliver Tonet Development of a neural interface for the control of a robotic hand
Weiting Liu BSE w.liu@alumni.imtlucca.it Arianna Menciassi Flexible / Compliant Artificial Sensory Systems for Soft-Body Micro-Machines.
Marco Pasquali CSE m.pasquali@alumni.imtlucca.it Ranieri Baraglia Design and Evaluation of Scalable Approaches to Schedule a Stream of Batch Jobs in Large-Scale Grids
Michele De Luca PSIC m.deluca@alumni.imtlucca.it Ginevra Cerrina Feroni Diritti delle minoranze e adesione all'Unione Europea: i casi dell'Albania e della Bosnia-Erzegovina
Giulia Gobbo EMI g.gobbo@alumni.imtlucca.it Luca Enriques Conflicts of interest in the provision of investment services to retail clients. Costs and benefits analysis of the current European regulation
Costanza Baldini TMCH c.baldini@alumni.imtlucca.it Alessandro Tosi Forme di valorizzazione della Nona Arte: come il linguaggio e le opere degli autori del Fumetto vengono inserite in un sistema di promozione culturale
Alessandro Erta CSE a.erta@alumni.imtlucca.it Luciano Lenzini, Enrico Gregori A General Modular Framework for Resource Allocation in IEEE 802.16
Alessio Botta CSE a.botta@alumni.imtlucca.it Beatrice Lazzerini, Francesco Marcelloni Automatic Context Adaptation of Fuzzy Systems
Maria Anna Madia EMI m.madia@alumni.imtlucca.it Giorgio Rodano Essays on the Effects of Flexibility on Labour Market Outcome
Alexia Redini PSIC a.redini@alumni.imtlucca.it Giovanni Giorgini Il contributo di Michael Oakeshott nel dibattito teorico sui modelli di convivenza in un'Europa multiculturale
Michele Zanda CSE m.zanda@alumni.imtlucca.it Antonio Prete, Pietro Pietrini Methods and tools to ensure Web Usability
Manuela Forte EMI m.forte@alumni.imtlucca.it Roberto Pardolesi Access to Broadcasting Platforms in Multi-sided Markets